CCI 2021/01 – Nieuw Zeeland (uitgesteld)

Datum: 22 jan 2021 (vr) - 28 jan 2021 (do)
Tijd: 00:00 - 00:00
Locatie: Nieuw Zeeland

CCI 2021 Brochure NZ 1 1

CCI 2021/01 - Nieuw Zeeland

Vanwege Covid19 uitgesteld!

Van vrijdag 22 tot donderdag 28 januari 2021 was er een internationale CCI-workshop in Nieuw Zeeland gepland, maar die is uitgesteld vanwege Covid19.

Afhankelijk van de ontwikkelingen wordt het uigesteld naar Januari 2022 of January 2023.

Uitgebreide informatie vind je op hun website


Voor leden. Voor aspirantleden in overleg.

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CCI 2021/07 Teachers workshop – Hongarije

Datum: 18 sep 2021 (za)
Tijd: 00:00 - 00:00
Locatie: online
Vooraankondiging Teachers workshop, voorafgaand aan de CCI 2021 in Hongarije. Details volgen.
Alleen voor hen die zich verdiepen in het doorgeven van het co-counselgedachtegoed. Er zijn bijeenkomsten om ervaringen uit te wisselen over hoe teachers en actieve co-counselers in eigen land bijeenkomsten organiseren; in welke vorm; onder welke voorwaarden; hoe ze werven; hoeveel ze vragen; hoe co-counselen verandert door de jaren heen, wat verdwijnt, wat komt ervoor in de plaats.

Hajni liet ons op 8-9-2020 weten:

Dear All,

Athough the pandemic has not decided to finish its work, we are committed to organise the European CCI in Hungary in 2021 as we agreed if the world is safe for events like this.


The venue and time is
Bölcske, Hungary
CCI Europe 2021, Hungary      25th July to 31st
Teachers’ Workshop                23rd July to 25th July

We consider your application valid for the next year and will keep you updated when there is news to share in the matter.

We wish you all the best and great health,

in the name of The Hungarian Organising Team for the CCI 2021,



Hajni liet ons op 9-3-2021 weten:


Dear All who have been interested in the CCI-Europe, Hungary for 2 years now J,


International travel did not seem to be safe in July 2020.  So after a lot of contemplation, discussions and based on an opinion poll we decided to postpone the international event. We were sure by this summer all will be good.

However, things with covid-19 are still not quite so clear. The vaccination programme has started and is proceeding in a lot of countries but we know predictions have been fairly unreliable so far.


At the moment we feel that 3 options are within the odds:

1)      those who feel safe to travel could come and participate in person

2)      those who prefer an online one we will organise a hybrid (virtual and in-person) CCI, Europe

3)      those who prefer neither and have paid will get back their money

The date is going to be the same: July 23rd-31st


We are very unsure of everything at the moment but wanted to let you know that we have not forgotten about you. We will be seeking views late-March, early April and the decision about online or hybrid will be made later based on the feedback we get.

Take care and enjoy the approaching spring,


Hajni, Ágota, Csaba, Saci, Bea, Zsuzsa, Gabi, Donal

| Posted in | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor CCI 2021/07 Teachers workshop – Hongarije

CCI 2021/07 – Hongarije

Datum: 23 jul 2021 (vr) - 27 jul 2021 (di)
Tijd: 00:00 - 00:00
Locatie: online
Vooraankondiging CCI 2021 in Hongarije. Details volgen.
Voor leden. Voor aspirantleden in overleg.

Hajni liet ons op 8-9-2020 weten:

Dear All,

Athough the pandemic has not decided to finish its work, we are committed to organise the European CCI in Hungary in 2021 as we agreed if the world is safe for events like this.


The venue and time is
Bölcske, Hungary
CCI Europe 2021, Hungary      25th July to 31st
Teachers’ Workshop                23rd July to 25th July

We consider your application valid for the next year and will keep you updated when there is news to share in the matter.

We wish you all the best and great health,

in the name of The Hungarian Organising Team for the CCI 2021,



Hajni liet ons op 9-3-2021 weten:


Dear All who have been interested in the CCI-Europe, Hungary for 2 years now J,


International travel did not seem to be safe in July 2020.  So after a lot of contemplation, discussions and based on an opinion poll we decided to postpone the international event. We were sure by this summer all will be good.

However, things with covid-19 are still not quite so clear. The vaccination programme has started and is proceeding in a lot of countries but we know predictions have been fairly unreliable so far.


At the moment we feel that 3 options are within the odds:

1)      those who feel safe to travel could come and participate in person

2)      those who prefer an online one we will organise a hybrid (virtual and in-person) CCI, Europe

3)      those who prefer neither and have paid will get back their money

The date is going to be the same: July 23rd-31st


We are very unsure of everything at the moment but wanted to let you know that we have not forgotten about you. We will be seeking views late-March, early April and the decision about online or hybrid will be made later based on the feedback we get.

Take care and enjoy the approaching spring,


Hajni, Ágota, Csaba, Saci, Bea, Zsuzsa, Gabi, Donal


Saci laat ons op 15-6-2021 weten:

Dear All,


We are thrilled to announce that after a bit  of labouring process our baby has been born:

there WILL BE an online CCI Europe  🙂


The dates are July 23-27, Friday to Tuesday.

Starting at 8 CET / 7 BST on Friday, finishing the same times on Tuesday trying to facilitate early risers in NZ as well.


We had an international kick-off meeting today with friends who had offered to support the Hungarian team.

We strongly believe that it will be a superb platform to connect.


So pencil the dates in 🙂


Registration forms will come out shortly.


We are planning to dedicate a workshop for Teaching Cocounselling at this event before we put on a full day on Saturday, September 18.


Hoping to see many of you again.


Ágota, Aisha, Alan, Dónal, Gabi, Joke, Saci

| Posted in | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor CCI 2021/07 – Hongarije